Tuesday 1 November 2016

Started quilting my daughter's nine patch quilt

This is the backing of my daughter's nine patch quilt.  I pinned this.....probably a couple of weeks ago.  Actually, I just went back through the posts and found the date.  I pin basted this quilt on October 10th, over three weeks ago.

I pinned the quilt when I pinned two others.  My daughter made this quilt and thought she would quilt it herself.  However, her trip into the world of quilting, made her realize that quilting is not for her.....or I'm of a mind to think that, at least it is not for her, yet.

Quilting is a learned skill.  It takes time.  You have to practice, practice and practice some more and you have to let go of perfection.  At first there will be a lot of wobbly lines and pointy curves, but that is all part of the learning process.  However, my daughter, who is a lot like me, is a perfectionist.

Being a perfectionist and learning to quilt, just do not go well together.  There is usually a lot of frogging going on (ripping out of stitches) and a lot of frustration and a few choice words.  In the end, as you practice some more, things just start working themselves out.  A rhythm is formed and you get the hang of it.

As you can see in the picture above, my daughter's quilt backing is pieced.  The quilt is being made for someone who's favourite colour is purple.  As it is for a young girl, we both decided to make it a lavender purple, with a touch of pink. 

This is the next quilt, that I have to get to, when I finish quilting the Navy blue and cream quilt.

If you do not remember the nine patch quilt, it was in an earlier post.  You can go look for it or you can be patient and wait until I start quilting it.  Your choice.

I am not sure how I will quilt it just yet, but I do intend to get my daughter's input on it.

This last picture from Bonnie Hunter's blog/Quiltville.com, goes along the same theme as this post.  You have to let go of perfectionism in order to move forward.  Let go of expectations!

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