Monday 22 December 2014

First piece of my hexagon quilt

Yesturday while at the hair dressers, waiting for my son and daughter to get their hair cut, I sat there and hand pieced some hexagons.  I had some of them done from during lunches and added the last few yesturday.  This is the first piece, which is part of the first border.  It is a floret with the purple surrounding borders.  This one will fit anywhere along the sides.

All the side pieces will be made like this.  When I figure out the colour placement I will attach them together.  The quilt requires 50 different coloured florets.  Now that I have my first one done I only need 49 

One at a time and it will get there.  I am making this only as a grab and go project, so it will take a little longer to complete.  I like having stuff to work on during time just sitting around, because I don't feel like I am wasting time.

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