Sunday 12 February 2017

My Mom's Texas Braid quilt

This was under my needle yesturday.  By the time I remembered to take a picture, I was halfway through the last row of quilting.  This is my Mom's quilt.  This is Mom's first longarm quilted quilt.

She borrowed one of my quilt books from Bonnie Hunter to make this quilt called Texas Braid.  Mom is on a mission to use up as many of her scraps as she can.  She is doing a great job of it, as this quilt is one of many she has made.  Unfortunately, even this quilt barely made a dent in her scrap stash.  I swear the scraps bred at night while we're not looking. Lol

In any case I think she is having fun trying to find patterns that will make the most of her scrap stash. Yesturday while she was here she found another pattern.  This new one will use up her larger broadcloth pieces.

This Texas Braid quilt was a good use of darks and lights in equal portions and the strips came from her already cut out 2" strips.  She only had to cut the strips to length according to the pattern.  Everything came from her stash, except for the red fabric used for the squares and the border fabric.

Here I took a picture of the backing as it is easier to see the actual quilting.  The lighting was a bit too over exposed, that the colour of the backing is not true.  The true colour of the backing is in the first picture where the quilt is rolled up on the take up bar.  Even with the over exposure, I think you can see the quilting well enough.

Today I am taking it easy and will be puttering in my quilt room, doing a bit of this and that.  I will be working on whatever hits my fancy at the time.

Enjoy you day everyone.

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