Tuesday 21 February 2017

Look what I made

I am tickled that I made something that helps me keep my tools at hand while quilting on my longarm machine.  These are regular household items put together to make a tray, that spans the wide of the bars.

I used 2 curtain rods to hook up to the bars and attached a plastic tray to it.  I took a page from the every mans cure to fixing everything.......I used duct tape..... LOL.  As the tray was clear plastic, I decided to put a piece of wrapping paper in the bottom.  I just used a silver paper, but if you wanted something fancier or more pretty, you could use any kind of decorative paper.  

It works great and was inexpensive to make!  It really helps to keep everything at hand.  I no longer waste time looking for things.  FYI, I did clean it up for a photo. Lol!  By the time I am done a quilt, it is stacked with tools and things.  What do you ink?

On another note, look at these pretty colours.  Aren't they gorgeous? 

With everything that I have to do, I am still itching to start yet another quilt.  Do you remember at Christmas time, when my daughter bought me some floss, for part of my present?  This is the thick #5 Cotton Perles DMC floss.  This is the stuff that I will use to make the fancy stitches that are used to decorate a crazy quilt.

Today while at Michaels, I picked up the last two, the cream and soft yellow.  I can't wait to get into this quilt.   But.... I have to hold myself off just a little bit longer.  I want to get to a certain point before starting this one.  I want to be able to enjoy it....guilt free!  Until that time, I will continue to enjoy looking at the colours and petting the floss.

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