Saturday 18 February 2017

Canadian Northwind quilt started

I finally started sewing the blocks for my Canadian Northwind quilt.  This is my quilt to celebrate Canada's 150th birthday.  I have been collecting various red on white fabrics and white on red fabrics for a long time.  I have reds that are bright Christmas reds to deep burgundy and my whites are bright sparkling white to creams.  I love the variety.  It makes the blocks interesting.

The patterns on the fabric varies a lot too.  There are polka dots, circles, strips, plaids, flowers, stars, hearts and many, many other motifs. I just love love it!  I am glad I have a legitimate excuse to finally start this red and white quilt.  I am trying to reduce my list of quilts on my list, but.....oh well....

While I am making these Northwind blocks I am working on my leader/ender.  I am really moving along on these.  For each block I get four 4-patches completed.  I now have 150 blocks made. This is great!  I am going to get this quilt done with little effort.

I have to take I break from this for a few days.  I have to get back to some renovations this week, while I have the extra hands to help me.  I am working on my living room now and currently working on the ceiling.  I am adding 2' wide bulk heads with pot lights around the perimeter of the room.  I am sure I will sneak in a few minutes here and there, but mainly it will be renos.

Hoping everyone will take some time this weekend with family, to celebrate family day, this Monday.

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