Thursday 9 February 2017

More of this and that

I have been doing a bit of this and a bit of that.  I feel like I am constantly running, but also feel like l am just running in the one spot.  I really wanted to sit and sew, but didn't have time to get into much.  I was able to get all my twosomes done.  These are the parts for my four patches, for my Christmas Solicits quilt.  Green and red.  I have them sorted to sew them into four patches. 

Between things, during some stolen moments, I have been dwindling my scrap basket.  I try to keep a handle on this basket, but one thing leads to another and before I notice it, I have a heap to deal with.  Yesturday, I saw the bottom of the basket.

I saw the bottom, as I ironed all the pieces.  This is what remains of the contents of the basket.  I have to decide what to trim the pieces down to and get cracking on it.  Shouldn't take me too long...just need to find the spare time. 

Tomorrow is another day...

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