Sunday 22 May 2016

Working on the Dresden plate quilt

This morning I was working on the Dresden plate quilt for my cousin and her husband.  The plates themselves were already made and all the curves were also already turned under and pressed.  All I had to do was appliqué it to the white background.  Over the course of doing the appliqué, I was constantly playing around with various layouts.  Now I have settled on one.  The blocks are older, the quilting bee ladies and I are guessing they are probably from 1970-1980, based on some of the fabrics used.

This morning I was up at 6:00 am and wanting to start on my laundry room cupboard doors, but it would not make for a good neighbour, to be starting that early on a Sunday.  So, instead I started cutting the fabric for the sashings and cornerstones of this Dresden plate quilt. Yesturday, I had already trimmed down all the blocks prior to our appointment with the realtor for my mom.

It is slow going at this point.  The whole of last week was prepping my mom's place, to put on the market and the whole week prior to that, I was major sick with the flu that turn to an infection.  Now I am feeling better and my mom's place is ready.  I am now hoping to get some of my own things done.

This morning after my puppy duties were done, I went out to pick up the wood I needed to work on the doors.  I am writing this post while cooking a barbecue for lunch and hope to start the doors right after that.

While I am in the backyard doing a barbecue, I notice that my Eastern Redbud tree is now in full bloom.  It is gorgeous!  The top picture is a close up of the flowers.  These flowers are all over the tree branches.  The bottom picture is a close up of the pretty heart shaped leaves that are starting to open up.  This tree will take some time to mature.  I only planted it last autumn.

Later today after putting in some work time, I hope to get back to the Dresden plate quilt.  So far I have almost half of the centre top completed.

Enjoy your long weekend everyone!

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