Friday 20 May 2016

Finished the Apple core quilt

I have finally had a couple of hours on Thursday morning to finish off the binding of the Apple core quilt.  This quilt is going to my sister.  This close up picture was taken while I was quilting it.

Here is the finished quilt.  My sister's couch is chocolate brown. And her accent colour is blue.  I picked all the fabrics from my stash that I felt would work, I went shopping for some accent colours to blend the mix,  I like how it turned out.  I just don't think I will make another one of these quilts, because I didn't like all the curves.  Not one seam, outside of the borders, is straight.

I went to look for the borders after I finished the top centre.  I don't think I could have found a better match.  This border has all the colours I am using in the centre.  It looks great.  At last minute, I added the little navy blue peek-a-boo border in the same fabric as I used for the backing.  It helps to bring out some of the blues in the centre.

For the quilting, I outlined each of the apple core pieces 1/4" on either side, as well as the first inner border.  Than I did a large stippling in the last border. 

The quilt batting is wool.  That is why I did a loose quilting pattern.  With wool it is best to let the batting breath and fluff up, it helps with keeping you warmer.

I hope my sister likes it.  I made it to give her comfort.  She likes to sit and read a good novel or watch a good movie covered underneath a blanket.

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