Tuesday 10 May 2016

My Mother's Day gift

Most recently, life has been very hectic.  Sometimes I don't know if I am coming or going, but this Mother's Day was for me and for visiting my own mom.  

I wanted to share with you the gift my daughter made for me.

My daughter spent the last few months down in the basement with busy hands trying to get this present for me done in time for Mother's Day.  She did an excellent job of it.  It is so beautiful!!!  

In real life, I think it is a bit brighter than the picture.  This is one of my favorite colour combinations.  Isn't it gorgeous!!!

She did this all by hand.  She found some inspiration online for the wording, marked her fabric and went to town on it.  It took her quite some time......I know, because during all this time I was not allowed to go into the basement.  She really worked hard on it and I can't believe she did this for me.  

Beautiful and gorgeous just do not describe it.  I am at a lost for works, I am stunned.

She did this all by hand, all on her own, and this is the very first time she has ever done any hand quilting!!!  She says she enjoyed it too!  Absolutely beautiful.  All of her stitches are tiny and even.  She did much better than I did.  I really mean it, her stitches look like she is a seasoned hand quilter, it's amazing.  AND she likes doing it too!!

My daughter quilted in the ditch of each border and around the wording in the centre and she made an X in each orange and pink square,  Baptist fans are in the last border, some random echoing hearts in the middle surrounded by lines going across the centre on a diagonal approx. 1 1/2" apart.

I absolutely love it in every way.  I wouldn't change a thing.  This will be my wall hanging in my quilt room each spring in May.

I know it is late, but still worth sharing.  I am sending out my daughter's message, out to all you mothers out there.  Hoping everyone had a lovely day.  

A mother's love is the heart of a family.

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