Thursday 27 March 2014

Flower Garden quilt

Yesturday I showed you what I have been working on.  The Farmer's Wife blocks is considered my main project.  The picture above is my main hand work project.  The picture is just a part of the quilt I am making from a pattern from Blooming Stitches by Kim Hannay called Blooming Quilt.  I love the hand stitched flower blocks, but wanted a larger quilt that also included additional types of blocks (ie. flying geese units).

The picture to the left is the starting off point.  As you can see from the picture above on the right hand side, I took some graph paper and figured out the size I wanted to make the quilt and what size each square needed to represent to get the quilt the size I wanted it and started to play.  I like designing, trying this and that, until I get a picture that is pleasing to me.  For myself I wanted a more feminine feel to the quilt so I chose softer colours.  The picture at the top of the post is my section A and on my design wall I have section B & C (picture can be seen on the first post, at the top, first post).  All the main blocks are sewn, all but 3 hand stitch flower designs and a couple of additional appliqué blocks that I added to the design.  I call this quilt Flower Garden.  I will work on my hand work when going 
on long rides as a passenger, when going to the Quilting Bee, maybe while waiting at an appointment or just when I want to sit and relax for a change while listening to an audiobook.   This quilt may still take me some time to finish, but that is ok.  I am enjoying the process of it.

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