Tuesday 25 March 2014

The quilt that started my journey

In 2003 the quilting bug bit me.  It started out innocently.  I saw a book called Nickle Quilts and thought it would be nice to pass some time sewing while the baby slept.  Boy was I ever naive.  I picked up some fabric, little bits here and there.  Started cutting shapes, collecting more bits and pieces, sewing some and on and on I went.  I was hooked and didn't even know it.  With the little that I knew about quilting, how was I to know that one quilt comes after the next.  Little did I know as well that the first quilt I decided to do was pretty ambitious for a beginner.

Along the way I've met some nice people, visited some quilt stores and tried to learn everything that I could.  I was doing well just moving slowly along, getting the blocks done. One block at a time.

I managed to get to about one third of the way done when I thought, oh my, what have I gotten myself into!  By that time it was too late.  I took a break from this quilt to make some smaller quilts to learn different techniques. I needed to make a total of 144 blocks, each block has 24 pieces and each block finishes at 6 3/4 inch.  I finally finished the quilt, quilted and all in April/2008.  I thoroughly enjoyed the whole process from start to finish.  

This is my quilt.  It is a queen size quilt.  Later  in 2009, I entered the quilt in the guild show with another quilt I had made and this quilt had a note of honourable mention.  The second quilt won 2nd place for Best First Time Entry, but that one you will see another time.

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