Saturday 29 March 2014

Leaders and enders

Leaders/Enders are a great way to accomplish a lot of quilting without really seeming like you are actually working on it. Beside my sewing machine are some piles of pre-cut fabric to make specific units.  On the bottom are the pieces partially put together for a spool, my main leader/ender quilt.  On the upper left hand side are the spool pieces waiting for their turn to be made, and on the right hand side is the second leader/ender that I am starting for when I do not have any spool parts cut up.

How it works is I will be working on piecing blocks for a quilt, currently my spider web quilt seen in the picture below.  When I finish a block and need to take it out of the machine, instead of cutting the threads, I would put one part of the block pieces through to make a spool.  This saves on time, thread and gets an otherwise monotonous task, of the 544 spool blocks that I need, done.

See the leader/ender still in the machine?  That is the ender of the spider web block, so that I could cut off the block, and now it becomes the leader for when I am ready to start another spider web block.  The piece in the machine is part of the Bonnie's Celtic Solstice Mystery quilt that I have decided to do in Xmas fabrics.   I was able to get 12 done at the same time as I worked at the spider web quilt.  I am so glad that Bonnie had this technique posted on her site at  I get so much more out of the time I spend quilting.  Visit her site.  She is amazing and has many free tutorials and patterns.

Below is a sneak peak of a set of four spider web blocks sewn together.  I will talk about this one and another spider web quilt I made tomorrow.  

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