Sunday 30 March 2014

Spider web quilt

A spider web quilt.  I've not seen any that I did not like.  Some are scrappier than others and some are planned.  Some are dramatic and others are soft pastel baby quilts.  I like them all.  Spider web quilts allow you to use up small pieces and anything goes in it.  I made one with white for the base colour and the webs were all different blues.  Another one I made was a soft yellow for the base and all different pastel colours for the webs.  Above is a red base and below is a poison green base.  What ever your choice you can't go wrong.

Spider webs are easy to make.  They are easier to make by paper piecing.  The wedges above are equal to one half the block.  When the wedges are complete just rip off the paper and sew blocks together.  I am still in the process of making this poison green version.  On this quilt you may notice the constant colour of pink or purple in the first strip before and after the poison green wedge, though all different shades.  The red version above uses the colour blue for it's constant colour.  I feel this effect helps to contain the scrappiness. Gives it somewhat of an organized look.  Do you see the variety of scrapes. I just love scrappy quilts.  Most of the quilts I make are with a variety of fabrics.  They just seem to hold my interest longer.  Each time you look at them you notice something new.

I will post a picture of the finished quilt when it is done.  May take a while though as I have eight other quilts  waiting to be quilted.  Or I may just slip this one ahead of the others as this one is for my own bed.

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