Friday 28 March 2014

Five minutes here and five minutes there...

Today after a full day of work I came home and thought, what will I do today.  I figured I only had about half an hour before I had to make dinner.  So I decided to get working on my wall hanging called Comfort by Coach House Designs.  I will post a picture of it later, when I have more done.  The reason I brought it up was for my musings for today.

As a quilter there are a lot of different things that we do to make a quilt.  We collect fabric, wash it, cut it, store it, sort it, iron it, trim it, sew it and wash it again once the project is do.  All these steps are done constantly for each and every quilt.  As quilters we usually have a large list of quilts we want to do in our life time, most often more than we will ever actually get done, but that does not stop us from trying.

One of the ways to do it would be to get organized, until the next creative world wind hits us and puts the place back into shambles.  Another way would be to find time to quilt around all the other things one has to do to maintain a household and happy family.  For me finding the time would mean taking five minute here and five minute there.  Today, I took out the appliqué, stitched the eight inches of the sewing machine down that was left.  I had to fix dinner.  Put that in the oven and came back to lay out the ribbon and pinned it down.  That's probably all I will be able to get done today, but it's more than I had done yesturday.

Tonight is mother daughter time, as my daughter wants to watch a movie.  We're going to start season four of Downton Abbey.  Did anybody besides me check out the new fabric line they have for Downton Abbey?

I will leave you with one of my leader/ender projects up above.  These blocks are not sewn together just placed on one corner of the design wall.  These blocks measure 3 1/2" (3" finished).  To make the size of quilt that I want with these blocks, I need to make approximately 554 blocks.  I have 75 blocks so far.  This quilt is not worked on constantly, it is only a leader/ender, but more about that in my next post.

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