Sunday 7 August 2016

Working on the nine patch quilt

I am working at finishing the quilting of the nine patch quilt.  I finished all the swirly design blocks and all the loop design blocks shown on my last post.

Now I am working on the last block design.  The maker of the quilt requested this particular design.  It is four overlapping hearts that result with loops where the hearts overlap.  From there loops are added to the first loops forming a chain.

It's all coming together well, when I get a chance to work on it.  Today I actually got to sleep in. I don't remember the last time I slept in.  Getting up at 7:30 am did me some good.  I feel really good.  I had breakfast, sat down with my tea, caught up on some email, and jumped right in to the quilting.  I did quite a bit before time to make lunch.  

As I was quilting away, I came up with the last design I needed for a little space.  All the blocks are the same size along the border except where the corners meet.  A spacer was needed to make it all work.  

At first, in this space I quilted a few hearts with a sewn link between them almost like stippling, but I didn't like it, so I tried another version of a few hearts connected by a sewn line.  I didn't like that one either, so I tried a chain of hearts connected to each other, as seen below.  I like this one better of all the designs I tried.  I took the first two sections out and quilted all the little sections in these chained hearts.  It turned out nice.  They are all completed too.

As I said earlier in the post, now I have to finish the overlapping hearts blocks, and all I will have left to do is the small border.  I already know what I want to do there, so that will make it go easier.  I also have one of the sides marked and ready to be quilted.

I am hoping to have this quilt completely done today.  I will let you know how that goes.

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