Monday 8 August 2016

Finished the nine patch quilt

Yay!!!  I did it!  I finished the nine patch quilt.  The evening lighting may not be the greatest for taking whole quilt pictures, so I took some more close ups too.  I have to deliver this quilt today, so will not have the time to take better pictures.

After lunch yesturday, I helped my mother with more moving stuff, and got back to quilting.  I didn't have to do puppy duty until 4:00 pm, so I wanted to take advantage of the available time.  By 4:00 pm I had only three blocks left to do and the small border.  It was still going well.

At 4:00 pm I took a break from quilting to look after puppy.  We went outside to play and I got some time out there to finish planting a small garden.  Above is a picture of the centre, showing all three different block designs.  Each design goes up on a diagonal across the quilt.

Come 6:00 pm my doggy duty shift is done.  I have the rest of the night off and I am revving to go!  I finished the last three blocks with only a little set back, when I forgot to take out a pin, but quickly remedied the situation, fix the quilting, and off and running I went again.

I proceeded to mark the small border and wasted no time trying to quilt this before the night is through.  Above is a close up of the heart border I did.  Lastly, I trim all the threads in the back and square off the quilt ready to receive the binding.  The quilt looks great!

I hope the maker will be as pleased as I am.  This is the first quilt I quilted for this person.  I am always a tad nervous when doing it for the first time for someone new.

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