Saturday 13 August 2016

I am quilting, quilting and more quilting

For the past few days I have been quilting away.  I am working on my friends hexagon lap quilt.  As I haven't  had much time these days, I have been using my 15 minute breaks to dwindle away at this quilt. It is amazing what one can actually do in 15 minutes.

I won't show any pictures yet of the quilt.  Once the quilt is done I will though.

When I am not working on the quilting of this hexagon quilt, I am working on the handwork of my cousin's hexagon quilt.  In handwork I have another side completed and half of the third side done.  

It is getting there.  Slowly, but surely.  These things take time.  Especially when there is little time available. I just have to somehow make the time, because quilting is something that I really enjoy doing.

I don't have any quilt pictures to show you right now, so I thought I would insert a picture of a sunflower in my garden.

The funny thing about this sunflower is that I didn't plant it.  At first I thought it was a weed and was going to pull it.  For some reason, I just didn't.  I guess mother nature had her own plans for my garden.  I find things like these, moments to reflect upon.  You know,,,,,,like a higher power.

It was a pleasant surprise. A simple wonder.  It makes me smile, every time I look at this picture with the pretty yellow petals.  A bit of sunshine.  After I took this picture, about three days later, three other flowers bloomed.  It was quite pretty and I got to watch the show.  These flowers were like my "stop and smell the roses".

Take time to smell your roses.......the moments are out there, but you're the only one that can find them.

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