Thursday, 14 July 2016

Progress on the diamond shape hexagon quilt

This past weekend, we went to our Jenkins reunion.  It was at my husband's brothers' cottage, my brother-in-law and his wife.  While there we did a lot of catching up.  The kids had a great time.  It's funny how we see each other only once a year for the reunion, as they live in BC, but when we do get together the kids are like peas in a pod.  All three families get along so well.  They're all easy going kids.

Cottage or not, I am still an early raiser.  During the time that I woke up, to the time the others woke up,  I sat in piece, in a very tranquil place, surrounded by beautiful views of the lake, stitching up the label for my cousins quilt.  I am now about half way done the label.

Today, I brought Maddie to doggy daycare, so she could run around and exhaust herself playing with all her doggy friends.  This gave me some uninterrupted time to sit and sew.  I worked all day, outside of a break to make lunch and have dinner.  I started at 10:00 am and quit at about 4:30 pm.  This part is not difficult, only time consuming.  After working on it all day, I still only got one side done and a second side trimmed.

It is coming together.  This following picture shows the edge hand stitched, now waiting for the final row of quilting.  I haven't decided whether I will quilt it now or after I finish all the edges.

I finished at about 4:30 pm, as that is when my daughter got back, from a four day work week, away from home.  I missed her for those four days.  So, to spend some mother, daughter time I suggested we go visit the new Indigo store, in our area and out to dinner.  She was game.  We both love browsing through books and good food.

The day ended with a bang.  As my daughter and I were on our way to pick up Maddie, we were treated to the beautiful sight of a double rainbow.  The second rainbow is faint.  You can see it just above the first one. Just precious.

I hope everyone finds the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  I know I have mine, with all my family and friends.  If it is hard to see it, just look for the silver lining.  The little things count.

I will end today with a saying from Each Day a New Beginning:

I will take today in my arms and love it.  I will love
all it offers; it is a friend bearing gifts galore.

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