Tuesday 19 July 2016

Grandmother's flower garden hexagon quilts

While I was browsing online recently looking for stuff, I came across these two examples of a grandmother's flower garden quilt.  This first example is a vintage quilt that I believe may have been sold on eBay or something.  I like the effect of the blue that surrounds all the flowers.  A lot of the fabrics appear in the picture to be faded.  From the picture though, I cannot tell if it is the fabric's natural colour or if they have faded with age.

This second example is one of Bonnie Hunter's quotes, from Quiltville.com.  I like the fact that the maker of this quilt stuck more colour into the "gardens" by adding an extra row of colour, instead of only doing a floret surrounded by white.

I cannot believe it.  Since I started into this world of hexagons, I cannot believe how many there actually are.  I seem to see them everywhere.

**Progress on my top 12 list (which turned out to be 18 instead)**

Work in progress:  
3. Quilting - Lise's hexagon quilt (family)..........hand stitching the edges & doing the label
4. Quilting - Navy blue & cream quilt (my own)
7. Main work - Spools quilt (my own)..........first row done, taking a break to do some quilting
8. Main work - Mel's romance & roses quilt (family)
9. Leader/Ender - 16-patch pinwheel quilt (my own)..........working on between projects
10. Handwork - Reconstructed Dresden plate quilt (my own)...........9 full blocks left to do
11. Quilting - Lise's Dresden plate quilt (family)..........top is done, waiting to be quilted
12. Handwork - Machine wall hanging (my own)
13. Paper piece - Pineapple quilt (my own)..........these are put on hold again for a bit

Total number of quilts completed - 9
Total number of quilts left to be completed - 9

Completed quilts:
1. Quilted Flo's hexagon quilt (commissioned).  
14. Sabryna's 16-patch pinwheel quilt (family)
16. Reversable crazy quilt & matching doll quilt (charity)
15. Log cabin quilt (my own)
18. Small wonders quilt (charity)
17. Scrappy stripes quilt (charity)
2. Michelle's midnight flight quilt (family)
6. Jean material quilt (charity)
5. Midnight flight runway quilt (charity).  

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