Sunday 16 April 2023

Karen's Wonderful Woodland quilt

It has been a pretty hectic month so far with me trying to juggle numerous things at the same time, while still trying to take some time to chill out.  

Up until last week, I have really been feeling drained of energy with this drabby weather.  I've been really missing my vitamin D from the sun lately and so I am sooooooo happy that we have finally gotten a few days of gorgeous weather.

I realize I've gotten behind in my posts and have decided to post a few today to try and get through some of my backlog of pictures.  There are so many beautiful quilts I've had the opportunity to work with.  I want to share them all with you.......or at least the ones that I didn't forget to take pictures of.

This picture is from Oct 5/22 and this quilt was made by Karen.  This was a workshop and the pattern is called Wonderful Woodland.  Very cute!  Karen requested wood grain for the quilting on this one and it turned out lovely.

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