Sunday 16 April 2023

A bit of time to play in my sewing room

Yesturday was all about getting some electrical work done at my place.  Today was a day for some personal time in my sewing room.  

After I got all the mess picked up from yesturday and furniture back in it's place, I decided to see what would inspire me.  I made my second cup of tea and sat in my comfy chair, in the sewing room, going over my list of UFOs.  It was a mess with various things getting completed or added, so it was time to update the list and print a new copy.  Doing this allows me to refresh my memory with how far along I am on each UFO.  Sometimes just doing this, inspires me to work on something.

I didn't have anything in particular that hit me, so I decided to work on my American Patchwork and quilting 2023 UFO Challenge quilt for April.  This would be my kaleidoscope quilt.  There are eight full hexagon blocks that run across the top.  Here you see two full vertical rows and all together there are eight.  By the time I quit for the day, I had a total of four full vertical hexagon rows done and sewn together.

While I was working on assembling these rows, I was also working on my current leader/ender quilt.  Right now they are just four patches.  I have to make what feels like a gazillion of these four  I am not counting, as that would just be daunting.  I just keep sewing them up in between working on other quilts and eventually I will have enough.  When I get a good chunk done, I may assemble some more Scrappy Deliciousness blocks, but that will be later.  I am really only getting started on this quilt and leader/enders usually take some time. 

Hope everyone has had a great weekend.  The day is not done yet, so I am heading outside to enjoy this beautiful weather.  Take care everyone, and don't forget to take some time for yourself!

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