Sunday 23 April 2023

Elaine's quilt (QW - for panel and border)

I am taking you back to Nov 5th/2022....this is Elaine's quilt that she made for one of her daughters.  It started with a pretty bicycle panel with some coordinating bicycle border fabric.  The quilt is so pretty and feminine with a soft dreamy feel to it.

Beside the panel, Elaine did log cabin blocks and at the top and bottom, she used the coordinating fabric as her border.  I really love the next border treatment she did to finish off the quilt. More about them later in the post.

At first I was sorry that I had no other place to take a picture of this quilt, as all the outdoor furniture was put away and I didn't want to get the quilt dirty by putting it anywhere else, but when I thought about it more, I realized that the banister rungs actually add a cute touch to the bicycle least that is what I am telling

This is the backing of the quilt.  Can you see how pretty a pieced back can be.  This quilt can be considered double sided.  The back is simple and takes advantage of the leftover fabric from that coordinating border floral fabric, she used on the front.  Good way to use up the fabric and add interest to the back at the same time. 

Here is a close up of that border fabric.  It has the matching bicycles and flowers of the front panel.  Elaine used some of the accent fabrics from the top to border the border fabric and draw your attention to it.

These next two photos are of the final border treatment, from two different angles.  I especially like this border.  I like the detail of it and it's simplicity, which looks much more complicated than it actually is to make.  

If you enlarge the picture big enough, you can see how it was constructed.  I am keeping this treatment in mind for some future quilt down the road.  Not sure which one or when, but some day, I may try to use this border on one of my own quilts.

Another great job Elaine!!  I like the mix of style, fabric and colour.

So, for me today, what do I have in store....  I am not quite sure, but I am hoping that with all the running around I did yesturday for the Guild, Quilts for Survivors, my daughter and returns everywhere, plus a quilt pick up, that today I can swing in some time to play in my sewing room for myself.  

I have a few quilts that I ordered backings for, that only need the last border sewn on, so maybe that is what I will start with....

Have a great Sunday everyone.  The sun is out and it looks like it is going to be a beautiful day.  Don't forget to take some time for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. I’ve never seen a boarder done like that! Very creative!🤗
