Sunday 23 April 2023

The start of my wallflower quilt

The making of the quilt started back in Oct 28th/2022, but I was holding onto the fabrics for a few least!  This was a matter of finding the right pattern for using up this gorgeous bundle of fabric.  What I thought was a fat quarter bundle, was actually only eighth strips.  I didn't even know that was a thing.  

I was a bit disappointed when I opened up the bundle to wash the fabrics, before I started cutting out the quilt pieces, in preparation for a quilting retreat.  Needless to say, I was frantically trying to find a few coordinating fabrics to augment the collection for the quilt I had planned.  All last it usually

I am leaving this post short.  Keeping you in suspense.  I am leaving it here with the eye candy of the fabrics I am using for my wallflower quilt.  You'll just have to wait for the finished quilt.  More about that soon.  I am currently in the process of putting on borders.  A little hint...the border fabric is that yellow piece at the bottom of the picture.

Take care everyone!

Elaine's quilt (QW - for panel and border)

I am taking you back to Nov 5th/2022....this is Elaine's quilt that she made for one of her daughters.  It started with a pretty bicycle panel with some coordinating bicycle border fabric.  The quilt is so pretty and feminine with a soft dreamy feel to it.

Beside the panel, Elaine did log cabin blocks and at the top and bottom, she used the coordinating fabric as her border.  I really love the next border treatment she did to finish off the quilt. More about them later in the post.

At first I was sorry that I had no other place to take a picture of this quilt, as all the outdoor furniture was put away and I didn't want to get the quilt dirty by putting it anywhere else, but when I thought about it more, I realized that the banister rungs actually add a cute touch to the bicycle least that is what I am telling

This is the backing of the quilt.  Can you see how pretty a pieced back can be.  This quilt can be considered double sided.  The back is simple and takes advantage of the leftover fabric from that coordinating border floral fabric, she used on the front.  Good way to use up the fabric and add interest to the back at the same time. 

Here is a close up of that border fabric.  It has the matching bicycles and flowers of the front panel.  Elaine used some of the accent fabrics from the top to border the border fabric and draw your attention to it.

These next two photos are of the final border treatment, from two different angles.  I especially like this border.  I like the detail of it and it's simplicity, which looks much more complicated than it actually is to make.  

If you enlarge the picture big enough, you can see how it was constructed.  I am keeping this treatment in mind for some future quilt down the road.  Not sure which one or when, but some day, I may try to use this border on one of my own quilts.

Another great job Elaine!!  I like the mix of style, fabric and colour.

So, for me today, what do I have in store....  I am not quite sure, but I am hoping that with all the running around I did yesturday for the Guild, Quilts for Survivors, my daughter and returns everywhere, plus a quilt pick up, that today I can swing in some time to play in my sewing room for myself.  

I have a few quilts that I ordered backings for, that only need the last border sewn on, so maybe that is what I will start with....

Have a great Sunday everyone.  The sun is out and it looks like it is going to be a beautiful day.  Don't forget to take some time for yourself.

Sunday 16 April 2023

A bit of time to play in my sewing room

Yesturday was all about getting some electrical work done at my place.  Today was a day for some personal time in my sewing room.  

After I got all the mess picked up from yesturday and furniture back in it's place, I decided to see what would inspire me.  I made my second cup of tea and sat in my comfy chair, in the sewing room, going over my list of UFOs.  It was a mess with various things getting completed or added, so it was time to update the list and print a new copy.  Doing this allows me to refresh my memory with how far along I am on each UFO.  Sometimes just doing this, inspires me to work on something.

I didn't have anything in particular that hit me, so I decided to work on my American Patchwork and quilting 2023 UFO Challenge quilt for April.  This would be my kaleidoscope quilt.  There are eight full hexagon blocks that run across the top.  Here you see two full vertical rows and all together there are eight.  By the time I quit for the day, I had a total of four full vertical hexagon rows done and sewn together.

While I was working on assembling these rows, I was also working on my current leader/ender quilt.  Right now they are just four patches.  I have to make what feels like a gazillion of these four  I am not counting, as that would just be daunting.  I just keep sewing them up in between working on other quilts and eventually I will have enough.  When I get a good chunk done, I may assemble some more Scrappy Deliciousness blocks, but that will be later.  I am really only getting started on this quilt and leader/enders usually take some time. 

Hope everyone has had a great weekend.  The day is not done yet, so I am heading outside to enjoy this beautiful weather.  Take care everyone, and don't forget to take some time for yourself!

Inspiration for a simple and pretty quilt (QW) by Teresa

I'll post this last picture for today, from Oct 28/2022, of a pattern that would work for making a simple but pretty quilt.  This will be good for using up scraps and the few larger squares in the block leans toward using focal fabrics as well.

This quilt was made by Teresa.  She tells me she enjoyed making this quilt and it was easy to make.  She enjoyed choosing her fabrics and quilt shop hopping to find the coordinating accent colours. 

It's a lovely lap size quilt.  I like the larger sashing used to separate the blocks with the smaller sashings between each of the fabrics.  Teresa quilted this quilt herself.  When I was visiting her one day, I spotted the orange fabric on the quilt that was displayed on her quilt ladder.

Teresa was kind enough to pull it out and share her quilt with me.  I took a picture for inspiration, for a future date.  I have some dogs and cats fabric that may work nicely with this pattern.

Take care everyone!  Have yourself a lovely day and take some time to enjoy this beautiful weather. 

Donna's songbird quilt

Here is another picture from Oct 5/22.  This quilt was made by Donna.  They're songbirds.  Donna is gifting this quilt, I believe, to her niece.

Unfortunately, I didn't get a closeup of the quilting and as the background is dark, you really can't see the quilting unless you are up close.  Two interesting/amusing facts:  Donna chose a quilting pattern called Bee Bop.  Two reasons that this pattern seemed to be perfect for this quilt are, 1-the name of the pattern has the word bee in it and the border fabric has a bunch of bees in it, 2-the pattern itself actually resembles musical notes, which plays on the "song" theme of the songbirds.  Too cute!

Karen's Wonderful Woodland quilt

It has been a pretty hectic month so far with me trying to juggle numerous things at the same time, while still trying to take some time to chill out.  

Up until last week, I have really been feeling drained of energy with this drabby weather.  I've been really missing my vitamin D from the sun lately and so I am sooooooo happy that we have finally gotten a few days of gorgeous weather.

I realize I've gotten behind in my posts and have decided to post a few today to try and get through some of my backlog of pictures.  There are so many beautiful quilts I've had the opportunity to work with.  I want to share them all with you.......or at least the ones that I didn't forget to take pictures of.

This picture is from Oct 5/22 and this quilt was made by Karen.  This was a workshop and the pattern is called Wonderful Woodland.  Very cute!  Karen requested wood grain for the quilting on this one and it turned out lovely.

Donna's Among the Stars quilt is the post I spoke about on the 19th.....sorry.  Better late than never....

Just to recap:  Back in Oct/2022 I got twin quilts from two customers.  The pattern is called Among the Stars, but they are not identical.  Both were done at a monthly workshop/class held by The Hobby Horse.  

This quilt is Donna's Among the Stars quilt.  Donna used Christmas fabrics in red, some green and highlights of grey for a subtle touch of Christmas.

It's hard to see from the picture above, that these are in fact Christmas fabrics, so here is a closeup where you can see the poinsettias and hollies.

Donna chose to make this quilt her own with a different border treatment.  This is her border option.

So far, I've quilted three variations of this quilt and I love how each person took the time to make it their own with colour choices, the layout of the blocks and the various border treatments.  And the best part is the fun and comradery they would have had, making this quilt together/virtually as a group. 

Nice work ladies!!

Have a great day everyone!  Take care and take the time to get out there in this beautiful weather.