Saturday 16 March 2019

Gathering flowers quilt fourth two blocks

Well, I am back!  It's been a busy two weeks.  In that time I had to catch up on things before I went away, my trip to Quebec and getting things back in order since I've been back.  I'm ready to jump back into quilting.  

In good time too, as today is National Quilting Day!  Yay!  I have a valid reason for an all "ME"  The family has been warned (not that they actually need warning, as they are pretty accommodating).  

Tomorrow it's a Dylan day (my son) and another day will be for someone else.  These "me" days seems to work for our family.  They're days that the person of the day, gets to be catered to (ie plan the activities and menu, or have stuff done for them, etc.).

So, today.........hmmmmm.  What will I do, what will I do?  First off I will work on finishing two customer quilts, finish off two guild charity quilts, followed by assembling one of my own charity quilts.  I will be lucky if I can get even that much done, but the list does not stop there.  My goal today is to join in some Facebook groups geared toward National Quilting Day and have some fun, while trying to get as much as I can done off my list.

My post will be small today as I want to get started, so I will leave you with some pictures from much earlier in time, back in December during my Christmas break.  The first picture is of a heart vine called  Berry Vine from page 16 of Kay MacKenzie's Inspired By Tradition book.

I like this block.  Loving the curve of the vine in the shape of a heart.  The vine is done, leaving the leaves and berries left to stitch down.  I am liking the subtle contrast between the different coloured leaves and the different coloured berries.

This second block is my version of Straight Basket from page 84 of Mini Dietrich's Baltimore Basics book.  I didn't want the 3D flowers from the original design, so I swapped them out for hearts instead.  On this block the bracket is already done, or at the thin stems are.  Now I need to finish the bulky part of the basket and all the contents of the basket.

I am still looking forward to the time I can get started on these blocks again.  There are a bunch more quilts I want to get off my list before I dive into this one.  I think that once I really get started on this one, I will want to finish it.  This means I will need a lot of time, being that it's all handwork and that there are 20 blocks in all.

I keep putting myself off by saying soon......soon.  I am gearing up to it.  Maybe I may break down and do one of them, just to satisfy my itch.........we'll see.

That's it for now, have a great day everyone and Happy National Quilting Day!!!

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