Thursday, 7 June 2018

My forgotten mini log cabins

I'm sure you recall my last post was about my June's UFO challenge quilt.  Well I took it out......

Until yesturday though I haven't had a chance to work on it.  I would look at it or should I say look at the huge stack of papers (paper piece pattern).  I have five of them done and only 315 more to do......

Wow, that's not much now is it (said with tongue in cheek).  Daunting is the word I think of.  I need a total of 320 small 3" finished blocks.  Just saying it makes me think, WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!

AND if that wasn't bad enough, I don't think I learned from the first go around, cause I have this one here, the mini log cabin quilt too!  These ones are also paper piece and they are also 3" finished blocks.  Off the top of my head I don't remember which was first, but REALLY!!!

So.....yesturday I came up with a brilliant idea.  It may not work, I may not last, or keep up with it, but it is something that I am going to do in hopes of making progress on both of these quilts.

I've decided to make myself a chart.  I've listed all the dates of the year on this chart.  What I am going to do is try and complete at least one block each per day.  That shouldn't be too difficult, should it?  At one block per day, for 365 days of the year, I would certainly make a dent in both of these.  Wild and Goosey would be done and the log cabins block over 2/3 of the way done.

I started off well, yesturday I made the goal, and yesturday I accomplished it.  One each.  Today I did well.  I did one of the wild and goosey blocks and I did three mini log cabin blocks.  I figure I have more of them to make.  These blocks I need 480.  So when the mood strikes I will take advantage and try and get ahead.  I can try, can't I?  I have 10 log cabin blocks done so far.  The three I did today are not shown here in the picture.

It sounds manageable.....I think.  My daughter looked at me skeptically when I told her of my plans.  

Wish me luck that I don't get sidetracked and start missing days.

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