Sunday 10 June 2018

June's 3-way block of the month

I have the three June's 3-way block of the month blocks done.  This is where we will learn three different ways to quilt the blocks.

First method is freehand.  Here are my fabric choices for my freehand quilt.

The second method will be modern.  Here are my fabric choices for my modern quilt.

The third method is going to be traditional.  Here are my fabric choices for my traditional quilt.

We're in June which means that we are at the halfway point in the year.  Wow, where did the time go!  Somebody, please slow it down!!!  I feel like we are in fast forward mode.

I am looking forward to this afternoon.  We have the longarm quilt meeting in Oshawa and we are having a buffet lunch as a special treat, because it is our last meeting until school is back in session, after the summer break.  This meeting is going to be about quilting with rulers, after our member speaker.  

I saw on Facebook a sneak peek of Tracey's new rulers.  I am liking the colour.  The rulers will be less likely to get lost on the quilt.  I am not sure if they are available yet, but when they are you can get them through Whirls n Swirls Quilting in Oshawa.

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