Sunday 7 August 2022

Crazy velvet postcard

Yesturday afternoon, I was quilting for a customer and taking in another, so I don't have anything I can share at the moment.  In the morning I brought my machine in for service.  While we were out, my husband suggested we swing by Sheridan Nursery for my 3 bushes I wanted, and while I was walking down the isles I was admiring many of the plants.  A few of them jumped into my  I couldn't resist.  I still have customer quilting to do today, but I think I will delay it to the afternoon in order to plant all the bushes and plants.

Quilt related, I will take you back to Sept 24/2019:
This was the time that I signed up for the postcard exchange at the guild.  There were 7 participants in our group, which means I had 6 cards to make.  This was the beginnings of one of the cards.  I thought I would make a velvet crazy postcard with all the fancy stitches.  For a long time now, I've been working myself up to making a real old fashion crazy quilt, like the ones that were made in the Victoria era. 

I had the foundation all cut out and sewn to the pallion stuff that you use to make the postcard stiff.  I selected all the threads for making the fancy stitches.

I even drew out a diagram with all the fancy stitches I was going to do.  Talk about overthinking things.  At times I can really get carried away with the planning oh well...sometimes it works and other times it doesn't.

This brilliant idea didn't make it...  

Fast forward to now:  
I unpacked this piece last month and starred at it...a really long time...   In theory it will look beautiful...if I ever get around to doing it.  I was tempted to call it a loss and throw it away...but I just couldn't.  It's only been stewing for what, almost 3's another  Maybe one day I will surprise you (and myself) with this beautiful (in my eyes) completed postcard...

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