Saturday 6 August 2022

Judy's crazy scrap bag & My crazy scrap bag in solids (QW)

One day a little over a month ago Judy came by to drop off her quilts to be quilted and at the time I noticed this bag of hers.  I like scrappy and crazy scrappy is one of my favorites.  She told me a bit abought learning the method and how she enjoyed the making of this bag.  She also spoke about having to go home and start cutting up some of her fabrics into usable shapes to make more quilts.  This was when I asked her why cut it up.....if you like making these blocks, why not make more...

So on Canada Day she send me an email that started with....It's all your look what you've got me  I just had to chuckle, because I didn't have to twist her arm  Isn't it pretty.  She started a crazy block using her Baltics.  I love it and I can't wait to see what she ends up making with it.  This reminded me of my crazy blocks... 

Back in time to Oct 26/2021:  I was working on this (pardon the bad lighting). 

This was a time that I was still heavy into renos here at the house and didn't have everything unpacked.  I had my bucket of solid scraps to play with and I started making my own crazy blocks.  I had a plan...  I was going to make different sized blocks from 2", 4", 6", 8" and 10".  I was going to put them together like a puzzle to make a large quilt.  The picture above is where I was in the process, when it came time to participate in a bag making workshop for the guild.

The workshop suggested that we use up our orphan blocks to make the bag, but the problem was I didn't have much unpacked, so didn't have anything at the ready to take with me to Susan's place to sew.  As it was still during covid, the workshop was restricted to zoom.  I went to Susan's place to set up the video camera and help with the computer set up and in a last minute pinch, I brought my few crazy solid blocks and my bucket of scraps.

While I was at the workshop, I made another scrappy panel, shown above.  Bordered it with a blue fabric and made the background in grey, to make the workshop bag.  The other side is where I put my previously made blocks and Susan shared some of her faux leather for the straps.  I think it turned out cute and the bag is just the perfect size for almost anything.

I haven't abandoned my initial plan of making a quilt...I just haven't had time to play in my scraps...  At the moment, when I do have time to sew, I am concentrating on my WIPs and UFOs.  Since making the goal of not starting anything new in August until I complete at least 10 quilts from my UFO list, I did get 5 completely done and one to the quilting stage, and two are getting borders.  I am glad that progress is made and I don't anticipate that it will take long to get the 10 done.

We will just have to see at that time, what will be my choice of starting something  Too many ideas in my head to know for sure which one will win

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