Saturday 31 March 2018

Aunt Bea's Parlor, Flower basket #4

Here is another basket block from the pattern Aunt Bea's Parlor.  This is the block number 4.  It looks pretty with the cheerful yellow and blue flowers.  Just the right colours to celebrate Easter.

I am off to Hobby Horse today, to see if I can find some border fabric for my March's American Patchwork & Quilting challenge quilt.  They just yesturday announced the number for April.......oh my.  I still want to try and finish March.  I definitely will not have it quilted, but maybe I can at least have the top done!  
Well.....I am going to leave this a short post today.  I'm just glad I took the time to write.  I really miss writing regularly.

Friday 30 March 2018

Bento box block (QW)

Yes, I started yet another block!!!  The makings of yet another quilt.  This one is a stash buster, so I don't feel too guilty.  It's called a bento box block.  I saw this one a long time ago and it keeps coming up everywhere.  I plan to do this one scrappy, using up all the bits and pieces of strips I have.

The block finishes at 9" square.  I am using my 2" strips.  Each block will be made of two fabrics and each block will be different from the others.  If I use the same fabric twice, it will be paired with a different partner.  

Recently, like over the past year, I have accumulated numerous chunks of fabrics.  When I say chunks, I am referring to bits and pieces that are not a fat quarter but bigger than a couple of strips.  I haven't had time to deal with them all, so I have them all washed, ironed and stacked nicely in a basket until I can get to them.

I have the monkey wrench blocks, that I am using up the scraps for, plus the Carolina chain blocks.  Now I also have these bento box blocks.

I am hoping to make a dent in my scraps.  Though I enjoy having my scraps, I have to keep processing them to keep them manageable.  BUUUUUUTTTTT.......I enjoy that too! Lol

Happy Easter!!!

Sunday 25 March 2018

Storm at sea quilt variation (QW)

I saw this on Printrest a while back and kept it for inspiration.  I cannot find the paper I had with who the maker was and her comments to give her credit.  If anyone remembers, please let me know.

I can't even remember if she was making these two variations separately or as one.  It is very interesting, how one simple change to the block, can have a huge impact on the appearance of a quilt.

Storm at sea is one of the quilts on my bucket list.  I really like the newer version and how much movement it adds to the quilt.  It will be a long while before I can start this quilt, so I have a lot of time to decide.  Thought I would save this photo for reference, so I don't loose it too.

Currently, I am still working on various things from the UFO challenge, BOM, Customer work, my own work, working f/t, renos, etc., etc........  Yesturday was the first day in a very long time that I had to myself.......until my daughter got home from work and tells me she needs to go to the walk in clinic.  Always something around here.  My daughter is fine, just her throat starting to get worst instead of better.  More on what I worked on yesturday in another post.

This morning, thanks to my son, I got to sleep in.  I mean really sleep in!!!  I can't even remember the last time I slept in until 9:15 am.  This is a wow for me and I am trying hard not to feel guilty about it (so many things to do).

I do have a lot of pictures to show you and hope that April will allow me more time to sit and write my posts, as well as sit to do my handwork.  Yesturday at the walk in clinic was the first time in March that I had time to work on the block for To Grandmother's House We Go.

Take care everyone and try to finds some time for you.

Friday 2 March 2018

March's American Patchwork & Quilting UFO Challenge

March's American Patchwork & Quilting UFO Challenge number is #3.  For me that is my Brown Bear quilt.  They announced it on February 28th, so for the past two days, I have been working like mad on my string blocks.  My quilting room is starting to look like a hit and run.  With creativity always comes a mess.

This is the block, plus sashings.  I've always wanted to make a quilt using bear paw blocks, but I didn't see it in my future anytime soon.  One day while cleaning up my stash, I noticed I had a large amount of brown strings.  Not a colour that I use often.

With gifts from friends and family, who don't do scrappy, I've accumulated quite a selection of strings.  So for a few days I thought and thought of how I could use them up.  Eventually I put one and one together to come up with this bear paw variation.

I have been patiently waiting until I could really get into this quilt.  It was hard holding myself back.  But no more!!  This is my #3.  I can now go to town with it!!!

My pile of parts is really growing.  The completed units are in the container and a stack just needs to be trimmed (bottom left hand corner) on the side.  I have about 35 small units left to make.  I will sort them out and start adding the claws.  The claws are already made (top right hand side).

I am so excited to work on this quilt!