Tuesday 6 February 2024

Pulled out my Summer Sampler wool wall hanging again

I had a really nice weekend.  Had a sew day with a friend on Saturday, and another sew day on my own on Sunday.  I got a bunch of little things done, but no pictures yet to show you.

Toward the end of the afternoon on Sunday, just after having my afternoon tea, I decided that I had enough of the fast pace, of trying to get loose ends complete.  That is when I decided that some quiet time was in order.  So, I pulled out my Summer Sampler wool wall hanging.

I finished the centre of the wall hanging a while ago, and during my trip to Ottawa with my husband and son, I took the back seat and did the handwork of the flowers for the borders.  The whole piece got put aside yet again, for other things that I was working on.  

Later again, I pulled it out and thought I would work on it some more.  That was when I traced out the vine and stitched it up......all except for about six inches.  I don't know why I didn't find some time just to sew that six inches up, but.....I didn't.

Sunday I decided that it is time to see this one done.  I did finally finish the vine and I started on the leaves.  There are 24 leaves in the border and I managed to get four of them done, on one of the side borders.

It appears that this week will mostly be non-quilting related stuff going on with my son coming home from school for the weekend starting Thursday, his birthday.  I am just hoping that the wall hanging doesn't get set aside yet again......wish me luck!  Just 20 leaves left to go, and I can quilt it.

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