Tuesday 5 September 2017

Back at school

I am back at school.  Like I haven't got enough on my plate already.....  I am taking an online class for the quilt path, which is part of my longarm system that I have.  The classes will run every Tuesday for 8 weeks.  I am looking forward to it.  The first class was a success.  Even though we went over some of the more basic information, I still picked up a few good tips.

I have been productive in a lot of areas around here these past couple of weeks.  Mostly getting caught up, cleaning up and getting ready for the quilt show.

You may find it slow for this month on post, as I try to cram everything in.  I will try not to bore you with the mundane stuff.

In the meantime, enjoy the fall weather, as we quilters get back into the real quilting season.

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