Friday 28 February 2020

My 2019 UFO list - 7 left to achieve my goal. Final totals

**My 2019 UFO list - Starting the year with 41 UFOs, goal is to reduce this to 15**

1. Witch/pumpkin wall hanging (my own)
2. Reconstructed 1st & 2nd bow tie quilt (my own)
3. Reconstructed bright 6-point stars quilt (my own)
4. Gathering flowers quilt (my own)
5. Mel's romance & roses quilt (family) 
6. Hexagon quilt (my own).           
7. To grandmother's house we go (my own)        
8. Wild & goosey quilt (charity)
9. 30s fabric Omigosh quilt (no destination, yet)  
10. Tumalo squares quilt (no destination, yet)    
11. Monkey wrench quilt (my own)
12. Mini blocks log cabin (my own)
14. Summertime sampler wool wall hanging (my own)
15. Simply arranged wool wall hanging (my own)
16. Plus quilt (charity)

Waiting for quilting:
1. Reconstructed Dresden plate quilt (my own).
2. Stashbuster's ugly/sunshine BOM quilt (no destination, yet)
3. Tiny town quilt (my own)
4. Traditional 3-way BOM quilt (charity)
5. Freehand 3-way BOM quilt (charity)
6. Radiant braid star quilt (no destination, yet)
7. Modern 3-way BOM quilt (charity)

Total number of quilts completed - 32
Total number of quilts added - 13
Total number of quilts left to be completed to achieve my goal - 7

Quilts completed:
1. NICU Blue rail fence quilt
2. NICU Easy street purple star quilt #1
3. NICU Easy street purple star quilt #2

4. NICU Easy street alternate block quilt
5. NICU Burgandy log cabin quilt
6. NICU Wild & goosey quilt
7. Scrappy flying geese quilt (charity)   
8. Scrappy mountain majesties #1 (charity)
9. Scrappy mountain majesties #2 (charity)
10. NICU Scrappy strips quilt (charity)
11. NICU Red lattice quilt (charity)

12. NICU 4-patch rails quilt (charity)
13. NICU Pastel log cabin quilt (charity)
14. NICU Whirligig quilt (charity)
15. NICU Blue X quilt (charity)
16. NICU Purple pinwheel quilt (charity)
17. NICU Spider web quilt (workshop & charity)
18. NICU Checker board quilt (charity)
19. NICU Diamond chain quilt (charity)
20. NICU Pinwheel on diagonal quilt (charity)
21. NICU Blue & green 4-patches quilt (charity)
22. NICU Blue checkerboard quilt (charity)
23. NICU Green & red hearts quilt #2 (charity)
24. NICU Green & blue checkerboard quilt (charity)
25. NICU Chainlinks gone pinwheel quilt (charity)
26. Sew many strings quilt (my own, for now)
27. Scrappy Carolina chain quilt (charity)
28. NICU Green & red hearts quilt #1 (charity)
29. Gifted charm pack quilt (charity)
30. Tumbling blocks quilt (charity)
31. Red 9-patch quilt (charity)

31. Bonus Carolina blocks quilt (charity)